Anterior ethmoidal foramen

Bone: Anterior ethmoidal foramen
Base of the skull. Upper surface. (On the left, "Anterior ethmoidal foramen" is the 7th label from the right.)
1 Foramen ethmoidale, 2 Canalis opticus, 3 Fissura orbitalis superior, 4 Fossa sacci lacrimalis, 5 Sulcus infraorbitalis, 6 Fissura orbitalis inferior, 7 Foramen infraorbitale
Latin foramen ethmoidale anterius
Gray's subject #47 190

Lateral to either olfactory groove are the internal openings of the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina (or canals).

The anterior ethmoidal foramen, situated about the middle of the lateral margin of the olfactory groove, transmits the anterior ethmoidal vessels and the anterior ethmoidal nerve; the nerve runs in a groove along the lateral edge of the cribriform plate to the slit-like opening above mentioned.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.